Garden & Food

We care about our planet. Our Bend Farm aims to operate sustainably and ethically at every level. From organic gardening to kind care of all the animals on our property...even the wild ones.

Our Garden

We created a 2,400 sq ft garden with raised bed planters and natural growing rows. Seedlings are started in greenhouse around early April, and moved outdoors to the garden near the end of June. Central Oregon has notoriously late frosts (July 2nd and June 22nd the last two years) that have devastated our plants.

A row of planter boxes is dedicated to bee friendly wildflowers such as Bee Baum, Russian Sage, Lavender, Black Eyed Susan's and Sun Flowers.

What We Grow

We love fresh summer salads! Our favorite items to grow is lettuce, cabbage, onions, strawberries, tomatoes and peppers.

We typically grow 4-5 varieties of both tomatoes and peppers. We also grow cabbage, pickling cucumbers, watermelons, radishes, potatoes, kale, spinach, eggplant, squash, zucchini, cantaloupe, chives and peas.

We're adding raspberry and blackberry bushes, plus just planted 12 fruit trees including apples, pears, plums and cherries.

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