About Our Farm

Located in beautiful Bend, Oregon! Our small farm is dedicated to creating harmony with our animals and building a sustainable life for our family.

Veronica & Chad

Welcome to our journey! We're Veronica and Chad - outdoor enthusiasts and farm owners! We dreamt of owning a small hobby farm for years and finally found a perfect property here in Bend, Oregon. A Civil Engineer and a Marketing Professional by day, our love for the outdoors , open space and animals, along with the dream of growing more of our own food and raising a family on a farm, encouraged us down this path. We'll share all of our successes, and failures, along the way.

We prioritize ethical and holistic animal care practices, providing our animals with spacious and natural habitats. By embracing organic farming methods, we ensure that our produce is free from harmful chemicals, while also nurturing the long-term health and fertility of our soil, ultimately building a sustainable and fulfilling life for our family.

red tomatoes
red tomatoes


At our small farm, we are passionate about embracing sustainable farming practices for healthy living and eating. We prioritize organic farming methods, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals and relying on natural fertilizers and pest control. Our commitment to crop rotation and soil conservation ensures nutrient-rich produce and a healthy environment for both plants and animals.

Meet the Farm Dogs

Meet Ellie and LuLu who are beyond excited at the idea of life on 14.5-acres. Ellie is a black lab, border collie and whippet rescue who we adopted when she was 1-year old. She is a pleaser at heart, task driven and energy for days. Her lean whippet build absolutely flies when she's running. She'll knock out a 25-mile mountain bike no problem, and be ready for more. It's such a joy to watch her run and play.

LuLu is our resident rules manager. She keeps everyone in line and wants to herd everything...even us. She is completely occupied by all the new smells and critters on the property. She will spend an entire day just roaming the pasture looking an unfortunate field mouse or mole.

Soil Building

We have the unique opportunity to improve soil quality through various methods that promote biodiversity and increase soil nutrients. One effective method is the use of goats, whose grazing habits naturally help control weeds and grasses while contributing to soil fertility through their waste. Chickens also play a crucial role by scratching and pecking at the soil, aerating it and consuming insects. Their droppings enrich the soil with nitrogen and other vital nutrients. Additionally, implementing natural methods such as cover cropping and composting can further enhance soil health by replenishing organic matter and promoting beneficial microbial activity. By integrating these practices, we can not only achieve higher yields but also contribute to the overall sustainability and resilience of their agricultural ecosystem.